Volunteers at The Lights
Get involved with your local arts venue
People volunteer for a variety of reasons. You may have a particular interest in the arts, you may want to give something to your community, you may want to meet new people and make new friends. Whatever the reason we will be pleased to welcome you and do our best to ensure that you find the experience fulfilling.
Volunteers will be offered a variety of tasks which can include the following:
- Box Office
- Atrium Cafe
- Ushering/Meet and Greet on show evenings
- Marketing tasks
- Workshops
- Outdoor events – from time to time there may be opportunities to help at large scale outdoor events organised by The Lights team.
If however, you have a specific skill please let us know.
As a Bright Spark you may dip into any one of the tasks above and in return we will be pleased to offer small incentives to say a big thank you.
For further details please call Chris Ashe on 01264 368837 or email cashe@testvalley.gov.uk or download a form to fill in and return to us.
Please note that volunteers must be over 18 years of age.